
Friday, March 30, 2012

Rush Limbaugh Helps Democrats

Pig Headed Potty Mouth On Steroids
On Morning Joe of MSNBC, today, Willie Geist pointed out that republicans are down 25 points with women, following what Joe Scarborough calls the "chain the women to the stove in the kitchen" plank in their ugly ongoing platform.

A real loser strategy, a real FAIL strategy for sure, thanks in large measure to Rush "Xanax The Spud" Limbaugh, who went pig-time potty mouth several weeks ago, picking on a woman college student with words that damaged the republicans, and sparked outrage in sensible people around the nation.
Not Just For The Primary Anymore

Rick "3 Is The Loneliest Number" Perry implemented a state of Texas version of this loser strategy, which cost the state tens of millions in federal dollars, not to mention the votes of sensible people there in the state of secession.

And now, Rick "Science Is A Hoax" Santorum, who is not satisfied with having been crushed in his loser election that removed him from the Senate, is developing a strategy that may net him a loss in the upcoming primary in his home state.

That strategery was enough to trigger several endorsements for Mitt "I Laugh When Factories Close" Romney.

One of those endorsers, Bush I, said: "it is not time to hold 'em, it is time to fold 'em", evidently thinking that there are already enough six-shooter holes in the "foot area" of cowboy boots worn by republican candidates; holes put there by republican candidates themselves.

Now, they are all walking around scared, thinking "what could be worse?", to suddenly cringe when they realize what could be worse ("an endorsement" from a certain ex High Priest In Chief).

Then they strongly pray for hope they can believe in: Bush "Childruns Do Learn" II endorsing the other guy.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Secular Secrecy Cults In Government - 3

In the first post of this series Dredd Blog discussed the growing, mad obsession government insiders have with secrecy.

In the second post of this series we pointed out that scientists want to name this current civilization "The Anthropocene Epoch", but the government wants that to stay out of the national news.

The Carbon Map, @Historical View, shows that the U.S. has polluted the Earth's atmosphere much more that its per capita amount. That is, our population being only about 5% of the world, has done more atmospheric pollution, historically, than any of the other 187 relevant nations of the world.

The government does not want us to know that emerging science revolutionizes what we know of ourselves, seeing as how "human cells" are only 10% of our bodies, and 90% of the cells in our body are microbe cells.

The government does not want us to know that what is termed "reason", in today's government policies, is actually an 18th century concept which science now knows is false.

The government does not want us to know the new meaning of sanity, which comes with the new territory of knowing where we fit in the cosmos, because knowing these new things shows that the government is psychopathic.

The previous post in this series is here.

The federal government approved two Fukushima style nuclear power plants in Georgia even while the Fukushima Japan power plant is still spiraling out of control:

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Here Come De Conservative Judges - 3

An Olde Ruling In My Flavor
The history of posts on this subject of a very conservative federal judiciary was laid out in the previous post in this series.

That post also happened to present a history of evolution from left to right within the federal judiciary, concluding with the point that currently the federal judiciary is more right-wing than at any time since ~1937.

The federal Supreme Court this week is doing what Dredd Blog expected to be one result of this "natural evolution" one would expect from that ongoing metamorphic phenomenon.

As was pointed out in the post Conservative Judiciary vs. Obama, we identified a phenomenon that is "down stream" from their coronation of Bush I, which said coronation began this current acceleration of the national demise, which we said would eventually also engender "confrontation" with the Obama folks.

The term "get backs" comes to mind, especially after Obama castigated The Supreme Five, for their Citizens United v FEC decision, in a State of The Union Address.

Now they are considering health care reform, which evidently the Obama Regime considered to be the crown jewel of "the first four years."

Be all that as it may, in today's post I wanted to point out how all of this "reasoning" is psychologically detached from reality.

Fundamentally, what is happening is a clash of what the opposing parties consider to be a clash of "reason", but what modern scientists now know is not reason at all.

The parties' concept of reason is so 18th century, as we pointed out in yesterday's post concerning social dementia:
What we see, hear, smell, taste, and experience via other sensory input, goes through our amygdala before it ever reaches the area of our conscious brain (see e.g. The Toxic Bridge To Everywhere, a post with some focus on fear-based damage to the amygdala as one source of social dementia.)

The amygdala can and does sometimes actually become like a PR (public relations) firm within the brain, which "spins" everything to fit our culture's world view, in effect to deceive us, or to render us socially demented (which can be simply defined as "becoming a member of a culture, meme complex, group, or society that is out of touch with reality").

I mean this in the sense of a meme complex or group, that has been affected by ruling group mind (RGM), for example.

This explains, for another example, why conservatives deny global warming, in the sense that they are a group, a sub-culture, or a meme complex. One which does not understand how to reason, because they actually don't know what reason is.

Let's finish this post with a video of Professor George Lakoff discussing some cultural out-of-touch issues, especially our society's utterly false notion of "reason" based on 18th century academics ...
(Etiology of Social Dementia). That link to the post "Why Conservatives Deny Global Warming", in the above quote, discusses conservatives who now have the majority on the Supreme Court, on federal appellate courts, and in the federal district courts.

They have a "special" way of doing what they call "reason."

That faux form of reasoning, according to formal logic (since it begins with a false premise), must end up with a false deduction, a false conclusion.

The next post in this series is here, the previous post in this series is here.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Etiology of Social Dementia - 5

A Picture of Scientific Consensus?
In this series Dredd Blog has argued that propaganda is a trigger, or cause,  of "social dementia", or if you prefer, "cultural dementia."

We have noted that the primary thrust of this series is a focus on the dementia of cultures, societies, or civilizations, rather than a focus on the essence of individual forms of dementia, except of course, where those forms are indistinguishable in some significant way.

For a spark of clarity, let me first say that one example of "social dementia" would be a well known social dynamic called "social darwinism", which is touched upon from another angle in the Dredd Blog post "Ayn Rand: Patron Saint of The Plutocracy."

Today's post, in this ongoing series, looks at the issue from the standpoint of the impact experts have had, or still may have, on this notion of social dementia.

To begin with, let's note that others have asked a very relevant question concerning the impact of experts:
Why doesn't "scientific consensus" settle disputes about climate change and other issues? The answer, a CCP experimental study suggests, is not that only some citizens view scientific opinion as important, but rather that citizens of diverse cultural outlooks form different perceptions of what most scientists believe. (Published in the Journal of Risk Research.)
(Cultural Cognition Net). Those asking that question go on to provide the best answer they could come up with, but what any well-intentioned, light weight analysis of that sort misses is the brutal truth about how western propaganda has shaped western society (see e.g. The Ways of Bernays).

What we see, hear, smell, taste, and experience via other sensory input, goes through our amygdala before it ever reaches the area of our conscious brain (see e.g. The Toxic Bridge To Everywhere, a post with some focus on fear-based damage to the amygdala as one source of social dementia.)

The amygdala can and does sometimes actually become like a PR (public relations) firm within the brain, which "spins" everything to fit our culture's world view, in effect to deceive us, or to render us socially demented (which can be simply defined as "becoming a member of a culture, meme complex, group, or society that is out of touch with reality").

I mean this in the sense of a meme complex or group, that has been affected by ruling group mind (RGM), for example.

This explains, for another example, why conservatives deny global warming, in the sense that they are a group, a sub-culture, or a meme complex. One which does not understand how to reason, because they actually don't know what reason is.

Let's finish this post with a video of Professor George Lakoff discussing some cultural out-of-touch issues, especially our society's utterly false notion of "reason", because that false notion is based on 18th century academics:

The next post in this series is here, the previous post in this series is here.

Monday, March 26, 2012

War Is Just Another Word For Oppression

The War on non-GOP Voters
The "war" on drugs, the "war" on terrorism, and the "war" on "voter fraud" all originated at the same place, and are still coming from that same place.

Interestingly, the neoCon notion of war as a cure for every malady also engendered a "war" against the "liberal" media, a media which Dredd Blog has shown, does not even exist.

Let's move on in this post to see that these things originated during the Nixon regime, which was heavily populated with neoCons.

NeoCons who eventually either ended up in federal prison for illegal felony activities, or for trying to cover up those illegal activities, and/or by lying to federal officials during various and sundry investigations into the Watergate Scandal.

Let's start now by remembering that Pat Buchanan, an official in the Nixon regime who somehow ducked Watergate prosecution, was just recently fired from the "liberal" MSNBC news regatta, where he spewed neoCon talking points incessantly, and where he began to promote his latest, racist book.

Yes, lets go all the way back to the nest where Buchanan was hatched, the Nixon regime:
... a grand and highly successful Republican Party strategy of using racially coded political appeals on issues of crime and welfare to attract poor and working class white voters who were resentful of, and threatened by, desegregation, busing, and affirmative action. In the words of H.R. Haldeman, President Richard Nixon’s White House Chief of Staff: “[T]he whole problem is really the blacks. The key is to devise a system that recognizes this while not appearing to.”
(Tom Dispatch Book Review, emphasis added). In that same nest they originated an attack on the press:
After the Goldwater defeat of 1964, conservatism was a dirty word and most Americans wanted to be liberals, especially working people, who were highly unionized. Lee Atwater and colleagues, working for the 1968 Nixon campaign, had a problem: How to get a significant number of working people to become conservative enough to vote for Nixon.

They intuited what I have since called "biconceptualism" (see The Political Mind) -- the fact that many Americans have both conservative and progressive views, but in different contexts and on different issues. Mutual inhibition in brain circuitry means the strengthening of one weakens the other. They found a way to both strengthen conservative views and weaken liberal views, creating a conservative populism. Here's how they did it.

They realized that by the late 60's many working people were disturbed by the anti-war demonstrations; so Nixon ran on anti-communism. They noticed that many working men were upset by radical feminists. So they pushed traditional family values. And they realized that, after the civil rights legislation, many working men, especially in the South, were threatened by blacks. So they ran Nixon on law and order. At the same time, they created the concept of "the liberal elite" -- the tax and spend liberals, the liberal media, the Hollywood liberals, the limousine liberals, and so on. They created language for all these ideas and have been repeating it ever since.
(Origin of The "Liberal Media" Meme). You will remember, that, among others in the Nixon regime, H.R. Haldeman was imprisoned, along with John Mitchell, the Attorney General of the United States, another Nixon loyalist.

The Nixon gang initiated a war on non-GOP voters, starting with the Democratic Headquarters in the Watergate complex, then used the notion of a "war on drugs", which eventually shut down male black voters and black families, as well as a war on "the liberal press", saying they were soft on black crime.

They now prosecute a war on phantom "voter fraud", using boiler plate text written by a swift-boat type political PAC, ALEC.

They have used ALEC to synchronize voter ID laws in states across the nation, an overt attempt to thwart voters who vote for democrats and independents.

And finally, they have initiated a "war on women", evidently because they think that the majority of women tend to overwhelmingly vote democratic, especially in presidential elections when women's privacy rights become an issue.

These Smart ALEC's are going down like the Nixon gang did.

The "war" on the Constitution:

The War on Terrorism, the Constitution, and Civil Liberties (Video) from The Future of Freedom Foundation on Vimeo.