Monday, July 6, 2009

Complete Idiot's Guide To Green Jobs

The actual title of the book I am reading is "The Complete Idiot's Guide To Green Careers", written by Barbara Parks and Jodi Helmer.

There is a letter on the inside front cover of the book which is addressed to the reader.

Among other things, that letter says:
Green careers are more than just a trend. Consider this: In 2007, Congress passed the Green Jobs Act, a $125 million investment to train workers for careers in renewable energy, energy-efficient transportation, and green building. The Apollo Alliance, a national coalition dedicated to the advancement of the green economy, has proposed a $300 billion influx of federal funding over the next decade to support environmental initiatives, which would lead to the creation of more than 3 million green careers.

The media buzz over green jobs has Americans scrambling to understand what a growing green job market means. What, exactly is a green job? Are they hard to find? Where do you look? That's where we come in.
(ibid). Well there is much talk about jobs, and a "career" is really just a long lasting job.

There is a Dredd Blog post "Clean Coal Mythology", where it is pointed out that there are more jobs in wind energy generation than there are in coal mining even as we speak!

So, this revolution is already in the making, so lets continue to make it so.

Check it out.

If, in the final analysis, we do have to save this human species ourselves, perhaps it will be done one job and one career at a time.

Lets make a career out of saving our planet and our species and have green fun doing it.

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